We have been blessed in our adoptions with people sacrificially giving of their prayers and financial support. Some very amazing people have given from their hearts for a variety of reasons, and their example has touched my heart more than anything else. Thank you again.
Thank you to everyone who has supported my daughters by requesting one of their handmade creations. The encouragement you have given them is priceless not to mention the faith you have engraved on their hearts that fellow believers support and lift up one another when there is a call. Sveta is now knitting--- how awesome is that. Thank you. Both Rachel and Caleb have made around $200 to go towads their plane tickets to Ukraine. Praise the Lord.
I mentioned in an earlier post, that I was making these mosaic picture frames. As much as I think I could justify auctioning them off for our own adoption, I feel God is gently nudging me to raise the money for another family. This family has been an inspiration to me. Their faithfulness and prayerful consideration in everything they do including the decision to head back to Ukraine to adopt two boys they were told about has been such a blessing to me. Hard to explain why this family is on my heart, but I trust that God has a plan.
This family adopted an older daughter a few years ago, and their passion for orphans continues to be evident in their lives. They have wanted to adopt again for sometime, but financially it has been hard for them to take that leap of faith and commit to doing it. I can so relate.
Praise God that they have finally taken that step!
So, I would really appreciate your help in raising a few dollars for their adoption. Wouldn't it be a blessing to know that you made it possible for those two adorable, little boys to come home to their forever family? More than the money, I think this family would be incredibly blessed just to know that so many people are rallying around them in a show of support!
I am auctioning off this mosaic picture frame to the highest bidder. The auction will end on April 26th at 8pm. Since this handmade frame is decorated with broken pieces of glass, I am going to take my husband's advice. I promise to enclose a few bandaids when I mail it off to whoever won it!
Thank you!
If you want to bid just leave a comment. Starting bid is $10 which covers the cost of materials and shipping. Remember, the frame is the icing on the cake! Helping there to be two less orphans in this world is the real blessing.
** For every dollar raised, John and I will donate fifty cents to the Landrum family.
I live in another country so can't bid, but I hope you do well. it is just beautiful.
How humbling. I praise God for your sweet spirit and encouragement towards our family. When Sasha & Vitalik finally make it home, they will know that you were part of that journey.
Thank you Molly! Do I hear $21... $22... maybe even $25?
Come on, the bidding will close tonight at 8pm. The frame is really beautiful and the proceeds will help a wonderful family!
haha...silly me. I saw the $25 and went right for $30. So...$30 it will be.
$30 from the Gardiner's
I will go $25.00.
Praising the Lord!
Can I just say thank you to everyone? We are so very encouraged by this. We have received an unusual amount of discouragement in our second adoption, but there are two little boys who are counting on us. We will trust in the Lord and see this through. Thank you for reminding us of the goodness and provision of our Lord!
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