Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are There Any Fingerprints?

Well.... hopefully we straightened out Rachel's passport issue. We should know in a week or two. John was fingerprinted this past Saturday but because of the new form and the LiveScan person not familiar with doing foreign adoption police clearance applications we are not sure that the end result will be what we want. Oh well.... I am definitely going to have someone else do my fingerprints. Tomorrow we have our medicals done and our marriage certificates should come in the mail next week. Things are plugging along.

How is your adoption going? How are the kids?


Annie said...

Don't you have to be fingerprinted by INS? Our local fingerprints were just the old stamp-pad kind, and they were fine for Russia (which is saying a LOT!)

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Our adoption right now is well- to put it politely- HORRIBLE! That being said we are hanging in there. Praying for a miracle!

Our kids are great! I don't know what I would do without them :)

Kathy Cassel said...

Twins are fitting right into our family. It looks like attachment to me is going really well. They know I am the mom and I hand out the food : )

junglemama said...

Yes Annie-- we have to be fingerprinted twice-- once for police clearance and once for INS and of course a third time for the homestudy-- how soon I forget.

junglemama said...

Dawn I am so sorry about how your adoption is going right now. Praying it all works out!

Mama said...

Our adoption is plugging along too! Our homestudy should be done in about 2 weeks then we submit our dossier to Vance's country. We get to do that while our I600 is being processed...let's pray that it keeps going as smoothly as it has gone so far. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Christine - while we're not doing an international adoption, I thought I'd let you know that we are still waiting and waiting and waiting. I wish I had better news!

Unknown said...

We are leaving for the States to finalize P's dirsuption/adoption in less than 3 weeks! We will be there for Passover and then some, as the various embassies involved really pread our appointments out... So Kevin and Janice (my sons' mom) will have less than 2 weeks home before they leave for that certain country in the Caucasian Mountains to adopt the babies. We are expecting delays there, too, though.