Thursday, March 4, 2010

Will Rachel Get to Go to Ukraine?

First real road bump. Rachel's passport application did not go through--- possibly because her birth certificate is a delayed registration of birth. I have to provide additional documentation. Hopefully this will be all that is needed and we will get her passport soon.


Annie said...

Oh, that would be terrible. I'll be praying for her.... Though - couldn't she travel on her Ukrainian passport? That's the way Sergei has gone to Russia with me twice - and better yet, no visa needed.

Terri-Anne said...

Praying for Rachel. I know this trip is exciting and important to her!

Story of our Life said...

Oh goodness. I hope and pray this can be worked out. This is so important for her and your entire family. ((((HUGS))))))

BTW: I Hope you are feeling better!!!

Kristen said...

Well, that just sounds absurd to not grant her a passport to go back to her home country! I was wondering, too, about her Ukrainian it still valid?

Donna said...

We were asked for additional documents on our Liberian kiddos, I was a little worried. We prayed a lot and we have those coveted little books in our house now. Just waiting to find the right time to hopefully use them to go get some siblings!!