Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First Time Really Disciplining

After nearly 10 or so incidences I had to do my first real disciplining with Anastasia. I was and am so nervous and unsure and stressed about the whole thing. Kind of feel shaky.


it was long overdue.

Big sigh.

I forgot how these first few days home can be.

I can't wait till we are past this initial adjustment, and attachment period.

Hey... at least she ate three pancakes with strawberries, sour cream, and sweet milk today.

That's progress.

Oh wait.

I gotta go.

She got up and apologized after crying her eyes out. I need to go love on her.


Martha said...

I can only imagine what she, and you, must be going through. So hard. I send my love and prayers that your little girl will adjust quickly. He whole world has just been turned upside down.

Annie said...

I seem to remember this same post after bringing Alex home. Yes; it is hard, because you know that in some ways they HAVE to test the rules; it wouldn't be normal if they didn't! They've no way of knowing what the boundaries are unless they do.

Kelly said...

Welcome Home!
Praying Anastasia and Paul adjust to their new family life with minimal bumps along the road. Their entire world has been changed, their normal. Sending many prayers.

Amy said...

Welcome home!!!!

Lisa said...

Walking on eggshells? It'll pass and you'll look back on these first few days with relief. I always forget how hard the adjustment period is too (and I'm just talking about doing respite for new kids - no where near the emotinal commitment you're currently dealing with). I hope the bumps are few and far between.

Rachel said...

Praying for you guys! I knew it would be tough. I can imagine how she (and you) must feel.

Anonymous said...

Poor thing. Her eyes look so scared in the recent pictures. Hang in there. I can tell she is a gem on the inside.

adopting2fromUkraine said...

I just found this blog of yours. Isn't this like the third time in three years?;) Like I'm one to talk, we went back two years in a row. So, you visit Ukraine so often you could probably buy an apartment there, then rent it out to other adoptive families. LOL But seriously, I'm glad to see that you were able to go back and give more children a home.

Best wishes,

Julie said...

Praying for you all. I'm sure this isn't easy on anyone. this too shall pass...

Anonymous said...

She'll be ok. You are doing an awesome job. I look forward to your posts and am in awe of your beautiful family.
Hang in there Mom!
Blessings from Oregon

Anonymous said...

Id love to see a post on your thoughts on disciplining when you first bring a child home? Are the consequences the same as your other children?

Do you feel it is best to slowly work a child into the rules of the house? Or just all at once?

You have such wealth and knowledge; it is great to hear your viewpoint!

ArtworkByRuth said...

Even O reminds me that I discipline her because I love her. She knows that in the orphanage no one cared if she did right or wrong or learned manners or what was polite...Anastasia will learn this too. I know you discipline with prayer and love. HUGS to the Mama! Prayers too!

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to handle discipline with a new child. You so much want to work on attaching and making good memories, but you can't let unacceptable behaviors continue. Good luck as you navigate your way through this difficult time. I know your love of Anastasia and your faith in God will get you through.


debi9kids said...

my goodness. I imagine it is quite the adjustment. (I remember when i used to bring older children into our home through fostering and there was always a bit of an upheaval)

Saying prayers it goes smoothly...

Shari said...

I wondered if discipline might be difficult in the beginning. I have never adopted so I don't really know. I am so sure that A and P will have their own share of issues where they 'push' to see if you are real and genuine and still love them. I am praying for your family during this transition.

Lisa said...

It's going to be tough for a bit until the kid's learn where the lines are. My heart hurts for Anastasia, she has left the only home she has know and she is feeling scared and acting out. I know you have a very loving heart and will guide her as God wants you to. We have been praying for each and everyone of you. We are so excited to see what great plans God has for you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing it will all of us.

Stefanie and Bill said...

Good for you for disciplining her. SOOOO many people bring children home and let them "rule the roost" and before they know it they can't handle their kids. I am sure it was hard for you and her, but definately needs to be done. As you know these kids living in Internots/Orphanages have VERY little discipline or boundaries set. Congratuations for your two new blessings!

Anonymous said...

I would also love for you to post your thoughts on disciplining a child that you just adopted. What type of discipline do you use on them?
I can only imagine how hard it is the first time.
Are you gentle with discipline at first or treat them just as if they have always been in your family?