Friday, May 7, 2010

And Then There Was....


When I was at the store the other day I found a cute pair of shorts with a bright colored shirt. I thought it would be a perfect summer outfit. I also picked up a few more girly things that I think A might enjoy, including a new bathing suit. I hope it fits her.

Just to be fair, I found some cool boy outfits for P. I wonder if he is around the same size as William. I'm thinking he isn't quite as tall. I can't wait to see if I am right!

Yes, we have petitioned to adopt a sibling group---- hopefully we will have a new son and daughter (just a few years older) by the end of summer!


Jill said...

That is exciting news!!!!! It must have been killing you to wait to tell us!

Michelle said...

wow! what are their ages? i know you can't give details so i won't ask what city they're in, but can you at least give us some sort of range, or compare their ages to your other children's ages?

so exciting! :-D

Stephanie said...

WOW! So excited for you!!!

Renee said...

SO exciting!!! Very happy for you!

Mary said...

!!!!!!!! So cool! How very exciting for you and your family. Y'all must be over the moon!

Mary said...

Also, how awesome is it that you were just expecting to adopt one and you now get two amazing kiddos! I'm looking forward to hearing more about them :-)

The McEacherns said...

Yay! Congratulations! After reading your previous post, I am SO thankful that we were not just handed a book to page through! SO excited that God has led you to these siblings!

The McCollum Adoption said...

congratulations are these known kiddos to you. Are they Reece Children?

Good luck I am so happy for you all


Mellimaus said...

YEY!!!!!!! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear how it all plays out :)

Rachel said...

Congratulations! I cannot wait to see who the Lord blesses you with! One thing is for sure, those will be two very fortunate children!

Chelley said...

I am about to burst with excitmient!

Lyndi said...

YAY!!! That is so exciting!!

Kelly said...

This us wonderful news!!!! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear mire about them both!!

Goodness and Mercy Mom said...

How did I miss this post?!
Congratulations! So exciting.

As I'm sure you know better than I do, there are joys that come with adopting older children that few will ever have the privilege to experience. Our first months with our adopted 8 year old have been so sweet--from his first bath with warm water to his first Christmas and birthday with a family. The joys outweigh the challenges.

Thanks for your obedience in God's call to adopt. Your family story is humbling and inspiring.

Much Love,

Qadoshyah said...

Congrats guys!!

Lisa said...

How wonderful, how old are the new brother and sister to be? Wow wee your family sure is expanding for the greater good!

Kelly said...

So awesome!!! Very Happy for all of you!! I am sure you will be in EE during my vacation, so if you need to know your exact travel dates just ask me when I will be camping. Hint is in July! LOL!!!

Zack, Jenn and William said...

Great news! I'm glad you finally clarified, your last post had me confused. So can you share which region they're in?


Annie said...

Oh, so excited and so envious!
A must be Anastasia - or possibly Alina? Lovely, fun, wonderful.

Holly said...

Very exciting!!!

Kelli said...

I am so behind on blogs and I read your most recent post and saw hints of two children so I had to jump back toolder posts to find out what I have missed. So exciting. I cant wait to hear ages and everything about them