Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Email

This morning I got an email.

A part of me expected it to say that there was a slight delay. It has been that way with every other adoption.

But no.

We were submitted!

Yea yea yea!

In a few weeks we should receive our travel date!


"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...


Lyndi said...

YAY!!! So happy for you guys!!

Patty said...

Each step is so exciting and you are so close now!!!! Thanks for letting us follow your journey.

Qadoshyah said...

Yay!! Congrats Christine! That is amazing progress :).

Julie said...

How Awesome! Are you going back to the same region you were in in July/August of last year? If so, can you let me know exactly where you are going? I would love to see if you could send pictures to Daisy's orphanage.

Taylor said...

Congratulations!!!! :D Do you have any idea yet of who the child you are going to adopt is?

Jeanette said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations!!!!

Marilyn said...

Wow!!! Wonderful news.

Donna said...


so very excited for you!!


Sean and Lisa said...

AWESOME!! Can't wait to see who God wants to add to your beautiful family.

Audrey said...

Yes! I don't know how I missed this blog - I've been wondering why you weren't talking about this adoption on the family blog! I'm a dork :) So - now I'm caught up and EXCITED! Congrats!!

A said...

unbelievable!! AWESOME!!!!!!!

The McEacherns said...

Yay! Congratulations! This has all seemed so quick, but then again, it usually does unless you're the one waiting!

Unknown said...

So exciting!

Renee said...


Shelley said...

Wonderful news!!!! Congrats!

ArtworkByRuth said...

Wow! Have you always been blessed with summer travel? Can't wait to read your travel blog! Do you NEED anything this time around?

Holly said...

wow! so you're traveling blind?
Is this a first for you?
Can't wait to see what the Lord has planned!!

thedickinsonfamily said...

So very happy for you!
We have close friends who also submitted today to adopt a 10 yr. old little boy from EE.
So happy for the children to be coming HOME!

joeks said...

Hooray! Know the Lord will work out the timing just right!

Zack, Jenn and William said...

Congratulations!! We are anxiously waiting to hear that we were submitted :)