Friday, May 28, 2010

The Lord is So Good!

I just go this email. Isn't Chris amazing? More so, isn't God amazing? If you notice I previously posted an auction for a Japanese tea set-- wondering what was going to happen. And now this. I am beyond humbled. And these prayer pillows are just gorgeous and I love the idea! Please read the following post taken from Chris's blog over at the Robins' Nest.
Giveaway for a Cause!
I am generally a stay behind the scenes, don't put myself out there kind of person, but something about a family, and a woman in particular has taken hold of my heart and I want to help out, if I can, in my own small way.

I started following Christine's blog smilesandtrials in 2008 when she was preparing to bring Dennis home. I was so taken by her spiritual strength and unfailing advocacy for her family and her children. Some people spend their time on this earth and depart, leaving it very much as they found it, but Christine, her husband and family devotedly serve God and touch and enrich and change many lives, not only through growing their family through adoption and giving a warm loving home to their children, but through demonstrating what a it means to live a life in God's service and love. Is Christine human? Yes she is. And she stumbles from time to time as we all do, but it is her ability to stand up and own up to her struggles that humbles her and enables her to grow in God's love. It is not enough to say that I have been inspired by her.

I followed the Reed family's journey to bring Alex home last summer and thought what a wonderful opportunity it was for Julia and Dennis to partcipate in the journey.

While bringing their two newest children home from Ukraine ( ), Rachel and Caleb will be joining Christine and John. I wanted to help raise money for Caleb and Rachel's travel expenses as well as the travel expenses for A & P, and immediately thought of the beautiful Prayer Pillows my friend Katherine makes.

The pillows make a wonderful gift for yourself or someone dear to you. A card in the pocket reads, "May your unfailing love rest upon us o' Lord as we put our hope in you." Psalms 33:22. You can also tuck a picture of your child in the pocket for a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or a hand written prayer for a friend, sibling or teacher. The pillows sell for $22, but we are offering 8 for this raffle, two of which were donated by my friend Katherine.

Giveaway tickets will be $10 each. For that you will get one chance to win one of these beautiful prayer pillows. You can select which pillow you would like to be entered for. Simply place your name and e-mail address in a comment below with the number of pillow you would like to be entered for. Then deposit $10 in the ChipIn. If you are unable to use the Chip In let me know and I may be able work out an arrangement for you to send a check. Finally, enter as many times as you would like! The more entries the better your chance to win! Entries can be placed until, Thursday, June 3rd, 10:00 p.m. CST at which time no further entries will be accepted. I will pull names Friday, June 4th and announce the winners here and notify you by e-mail if you are a winner. I will then get your address and mail the Prayer Pillow to you. It's that simple!!

Pillow #1

Pillow #2

Pillow #3

Pillow #4

Pillow #5

Pillow #6

Pillow #7

Pillow #8

card in pocket of pillow

If you are interested in ordering Prayer Pillows on your own, here is Katherine's contact info.

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