Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We Are the Proud Parents of...

Anastasia Jean and Paul Jeremiah as of 12:38 pm today!

Aren't they beautiful?!!! Court lasted all of 15 or 20 minutes and went something like this.
Judge-- "Do you want to change anyone in the courtroom?"
Us-- "No."
Judge-- Reads all of our paperwork. Then asks us if we want to adopt.
Us-- "Yes."
Judge-- Asks inspector, director, and then prosecutor if they object to adoption.
3 of them-- "No."
Judge-- "Are you sure you want to adopt? And what are you asking for from the court?"
Us-- John answers in one or two sentences.
Court over.
Due to some unexpected circumstances we are all heading back to Kiev in a day or two before flying home this weekend-- but first we want to go back up to the camp.
Thank you for all of your prayers!


Joni said...

AWESOME!!! Congratulations! It's been so fun to be following along for another heart-warming/heart-wrenching journey with you! You are so great to share with us 'readers'. I've been so busy with our own lives that I've not had chance to send you any messages, but now I just had to! Good luck with the rest of your journey, and as you settle back in to daily life and adjust with the additions in your household. I'm sure the kids at home are soooo anxious to see you all!

Kelly said...

Two beautiful children added to your wonderful family. Safe travels back to Kyiv and home

Mamapierce said...

Congratulations! :D

Carey and Norman said...

Congratulations! So glad to hear that court went so smoothly! Your children are beautiful and will fit in just perfectly with the crew waiting at home for their arrival!

Jarka said...

congratulations!!! I was praying all day!!! :) I´m so happy for you :)

Simply, Sarah said...

!!!!! Tears to my eyes. So happy for all of you! :)

JennyH said...

Congrats! They are beautiful! They are blessed to have you as their parents and vice versa.

The McEacherns said...


MtnGirl said...

Congratulations! They look like Reeds! :-)

Dove Familie said...

Praise God! Glad things went well. Surprised to read that you're all headed home for a while, hopefully we can catch up via email or phone sometime.


Anonymous said...

Congrats. They certainly are beautiful! Have you thought about using Staci for Anastasia? With Anna and Annalyn at home already, it might be a bit less confusing

Doorless said...

Awesome! I am so happy for all of you. Will pray for safe travel for you. Can't wait till you are home and the other kids get to meet their new family!

Mary said...

Congratulations!!!! Your two new children are absolutely beautiful and I am so happy that they are now officially part of your family!

Matt Penman said...

Amen! You got to waive the waiting period! Praise God! Did you break the record for the shortest adoption ever?


Donna said...

Congratulations in every way!!!

Debora Hoffmann said...

Congratulations! Anastasia and Paul are darling. I hope all is OK. Who will be going back to Ukraine for the children?

excitedtobeafamily said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see a "complete" family picture! They are beautiful children!

Mama in Uganda said...

With a HUGE smiles on my face, CONGRATULATIONS! The Lord is good.

Hugs from the North,

James said...


Jeanette said...

Wonderful news! Congrats!!!!! Hope you get to bring them home soon!!!

Missy said...

Wow, congratulations!! I wish court was always that easy!!

The kids are going to fit in beautifully. :o)

Julia said...


Keri said...

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! God is good! Christine, you MADE my day! Sending prayers of gratitude to God for bringing to more home:) sooo happy for all of you.

Milena said...

Congratulations! Such happy news!

- K - said...

Yay! This is so exciting! I am very glad for your family! Contratulatons!

Anonymous said...

Woooooohooooo! Congratulations and alleluia!! :-D Yes they are absolutely beautiful. Love the smiles on all of you.


Kevin and Pam said...

I am so happy for you guys! Congratulations! I guess that means you won't be staying for the 10 day wait? Will only one of you go back?

Christine said...

Whoo hooo! WIshing you all safe and speedy travels home!

Amy...who wanted 4. said...

My word! A and P look so much like your other kids. They will fit in to the Reed family beautifully I am sure! :-)
Sooo happy for you...congrats!

Sunnie said...

Wooohooo!! Congrats!!
Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us!
Sunnie in NC

Julie said...

CONGRATS!!!! I can't wait to see them at home where they belong!

Patty said...

Yeah...congratulations!!! And yes, they are absolutely beautiful! What a blessing they will be to your family!

Shana said...

Yes! They are beautiful!!! Congratulations to you all. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi John and Christene. Congratulations on the adoption and we're so happy everything is going so smoot!!!
Sorry I haven't followed your blog much, Julia had updated me mostly. So excited to see you all back and meet A+P. The kids have been VERY SWEET and well behaved. Sveta loved it to be here and she loves Paul.Even cried about him, when she heard he needs surgery. William came visiting the weekend too and he was terrific. He gave Mike some of his legos, which I thought was awesome and very thoughtful. He was so helpful, swipe and mopped the floors and help in the kitchen. Julia is terrific, she deserves a big thank you and hug for all she has done. And her sense of humor....terrific. Well, Paul is having back surgery for a herniated disc on Friday, July 2nd. We hopefully will be back home on Saturday if everything goes well. For this reason your mom is taking the kids this week. We have quite a few appointments to get done and Paul is feeling rather miserable in pain. If I don't get to "talk" to you before Friday I hope your flight goes well and that your last few days are fun. I bet you have mixed feelings leaving the Ukraine. We'll be praying for you. Take care and may God hold the six of you in the hollow of His hands. Love, Tina

~ Teresa ~ said...

Congratulations to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Yea! Congrats and I can't wait to see pics of them with their new siblings at home!! WooHoo!!

Anonymous said...

Yea! Congrats and I can't wait to see pics of them with their new siblings at home!! WooHoo!!

Mellimaus said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You know what's totally crazy? I dreamt about you all last night :P :)

I'm so excited for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing. God bless you all & they are very luck to have a wonderful family...
Stcey in NY

Kelli said...

How wonderful. Such a sweet picture

Kelli said...

How wonderful. Such a sweet picture

Rachel said...

Congratulations, that's fantastic! Safe travels back home!

Julie said...

I'm confused....Did they waive the 10 day waiting period, so everyone gets to come home this weekend? Or are you going back for the kids in 10 days?

kharms80 said...

Congratulations! So happy to hear that court went so smoothly.

Difference2This1 said...

Yea!!!! Awesome to read this today!! Congratulations!! Jennifer

Kelly said...

Wow. Congratulations. This has to be the fastest, smoothest adoption in all of history.

They are adorable and it is amazing how much they look like the rest of your family. They fit in just perfectly.

So happy for you all. I know your children back at home will be thrilled to see you and meet their new sibs.

Karen said...


:)De said...

Tears!!! Congratulations!!! I´m so happy for you all !!!!


Sarah Lynn said...

Yay! So happy for you guys! I'm enjoying reading about your travels. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are beautiful and you're so lucky! :)
Congratulations and lots of happy moments to all of you!

Renata said...

Congratulations!! I'm so pleased that all went smoothly & it will be so exciting introducing them to the rest of your family.
Enjoy this precious time with your new children
God bless

Troy and Rachel said...

Congratulations - we are trhilled for you and your children!!

Heather said...

It has been so exciting to be on your journey with you! Congratulations to all of the Reeds!

Anonymous said...

Dear mom and dad,
That is so cool that they are our siblings and that is cool how they are your children!!! I can wait for you guys to come home and i miss you alot!!!!
Annalyn Reed
P. S. Dad i am reading Exodus and i am LOVING it!!!

TylerandBrianne said...

Congrats on the 2 newest Reeds!!


Congrat;s To the Reed Family!!!

Thank you for letting us all follow your journey to your newest children...Enjoy the rest of your trip.. Your children are beautiful!!!


Rachael said...

Congratulations!!! Is everyone coming home? A&P too? Or will you have to come back? Safe travels either way!

Martha said...

Congratulations! What beautiful babies you have. :)

Tami said...

Congratulations!!!! They are absolutely beautiful!

Tina in CT said...

By flying home, do you mean all 6 Reeds? If so, I can't believe how quickly and smoothly it went and with only the one trip.

Yahoo! Congrats!

Stephanie said...

Yay!! And yes, they are definitely beautiful!!

Congratulations!! :D

Lisa said...

Wow 6 months and your adoption was done all in a few minutes! For what ever reason I thought it would take you longer to leave there once the kids were yours, is it easier once the kids are older?
Congrats on your 2 new children, May God bless and annoint this family abundtly!!!

deb said...

*SQUEAL* *Tearing up* *Praising God!*

Congratulations to EVERYONE!!! God is so good...


(now where are the kleenex....sniff)

Holly said...

Hallelujah!!Thanking God and rejoicing with you from afar!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Reeds! So, so excited for you! I can't wait to hear more about the day when you have more time.

Molly said...

YAY! So happy for you!

And I love Annalyn's comment, too!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! Now the journey begins, can't wait to read more updates. They are beautiful children, but then all of your kids are.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...


Annette said...

Congratulations! You have such a wonderful and blessed family, they truly are lucky kids to be getting such a "rich" family! Safe travels!

Sheryl said...

Yeah! Congratulations!

Mommy to the Monsters said...

Congrats..They are so beautiful!

Priscilla said...


Qadoshyah said...

Congratulations guys!!! They look like they will fit right in!

Those Aussie Kids said...

WHEEEE!!! Oh, we're so pleased for you.
We'll raise a glass to you guys at dinner tonight =)

Unknown said...

Mazel tov!

Laura said...

Congratulations. Now a new journey begins!

Continued blessings,
Laura :)

Expat Mom said...

Woohoo! :D That was really fast, I guess they were telling the truth about the judge.

Your newest family members look like they will fit right in and I can't WAIT to see them blossom and change with your love. That's been my favorite part of the adoptions I've followed so far, seeing how the kids just go from shy and uncertain to full fledged Reeds.

Btw, I think this is the first pic I've seen of Anastasia that she's shown her face proper, without a hat or hair hiding part of it. She's lovely!

Carrie said...

Yes, Anastasia and Paul are both beautiful children. Paul reminds me of my Mitchell. They have beautiful smiles on their faces and look very happy. Congratulations to you and the rest of your family. Best of luck on a quick trip home.

Nancy said...


Kelly said...

So happy for all of the Reeds. They are precious!

Christina said...

Congrats!!!!!!!! Woohooo!!!! I've been following along this whole time and love hearing about your trip. Can't wait for the other kids to meet them!!!

Our mission said...

We are so happy for you guys!

Beth said...

I thought about you guys all day. I'm glad everything went so well. Can't wait to meet the newest Reed children. They are beautiful and they look so happy.


Michelle, Mike, Michael & Brett said...

Congratulations!! They are beautiful and we are soooo happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

When you first announced that you were adopting again, I said, "What?!" I couldn't imagine! Now, I see that it was meant to be and everything is falling into place so beautifully. Please tell me -- is it coincidence that both children have J middle names? Are they named for someone in particular?

Monique said...

Congrats to you all!! What a wonderful thing!

June Berger said...

Hooray!!! Congratulations to all the Reeds on their newest family members! Yes, the children are definitely beautiful, as are your other children. So glad you will all be together soon. Thankful all went relatively smoothly. Praising God for His goodness.

Chelley said...

AWESOME!!! Congratulations

that is the best news I have heard!!!

safe travles home with your new family

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! They are beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

Just catching up with your adventures. Congratulations on your two newest family members. They are gorgeous!